
As per WBSC Statutes, WBSC Commissions serve under specific purposes.

Statutes, art. 18

18.1 - The Executive Board has the power to create any Commission that it deems necessary for the good administration of WBSC and, as applicable, the Objectives or the business of WBSC. The composition and the functions of all Commissions are set out in the Commissions By-Laws.

18.2 - The President shall appoint and dismiss Chairpersons and members of Commissions with the approval of the Executive Board.

18.3 - Commissions act on the authority and under the supervision of the Executive Board and report to the Executive Board and the Congress, if required. Every Commission shall have terms of reference and operating procedures, which shall be approved by the Executive Board.

WBSC has four kind of commissions:

  • WBSC Commissions: to advise on matters relevant to WBSC in general.
  • Baseball Commissions: to advise on technical matters relevant to baseball.
  • Softball Commissions: to advise on technical matters relevant to softball.
  • Working Groups: to work on specific topics and to draft documents on determined and particular matters.
WBSC Strategic Goals
Click here for the WBSC Commissions By-Laws