Poland's U-18 Women’s National Softball Team in training for European crown, WBSC World Cup Qualifier
28/10/2020 1 Minute Read

Poland's U-18 Women’s National Softball Team in training for European crown, WBSC World Cup Qualifier

The Central European country also participated in the Czech Open Championship held in Prague from 2-4 October.

The Polish U-18 Women’s National Softball Team recently held a training camp in Miejska Górka to prepare for next year's U-18 Women’s Softball European Championship 2021, which is to be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 19-24 July. The event is a qualifier for the WBSC U-18 Women’s Softball World Cup 2022.

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🥎🇵🇱 Konsultacja szkoleniowa drużyny U18 w softballu🇵🇱🥎 W dniach 23-25.10 w Miejskiej Górce pod okiem trenerów Przemysława Kubickiego i Petra Pospecha odbyło się kolejno zgrupowanie kadry narodowej U18 w softballu. Jest to ciąg dalszy przygotowań do przyszłorocznych Mistrzostw Europy, które odbędą się w Pradze. _____________________ ENG 🇵🇱U18 national softball team training consultation🇵🇱 On 23-25.10 in Miejska Górka under the supervision of coaches Przemysław Kubicki and Petr Pospech, a grouping of the U18 national team in softball took place. It is a continuation of preparations for next year's European Championships, which will be held in Prague. #pzball #softball #pzballbaseballsoftball

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Led by coaches Przemysław Kubicki, Robert Szwajkowski and Petr Pospech, the Polish team went winless in the Czech Open Championship held in Prague earlier this month.

Poland, currently ranked 36th in the WBSC Women’s Softball World Rankings, has never participated in a youth softball world championship. They finished in 14th place at the 2018 U-18 European Softball Championship.