02/11/2019 - 17/11/2019


Hosted by:   JPN MEX KOR TPE

II Premier12 2019 - Official Payoff
16/11/2019 1 Minute Read

Hong I-Chung: “It was a very tight game”

“Our players did very well, especially in the eighth inning,” said Chinese Taipei manager.

Chinese Taipei closed the Premier12 with a win over Australia and ended at fifth place. During the press conference the skipper Hong I-Chung made a quick analysis of the game.

“At the beginning of the game thing didn’t go very well for us, it was a very tight game with a lot of tensions. But our players did very well, especially in the eighth inning.”

“In the beginning we had some difficult to score, but finally we score one run in the third,” related leadoff hitter Wang Wei-Chen. “Australia hit a home run to tie the game, but we never gave up, we made a great effort, tried very hard and finally in the eighth inning we were able to score more runs to win the game.”

Asked about the performance of the team in general, Hong I-Ching praised his pitching staff’s performance: “When we put together this team I was not too confident about the pitching staff, but I was quite confident about our lineup. But after this tournament, I can say that the pitching staff has been better than our batters. And the reason for this performance is the great preparation of our pitchers and the scouting job and the information gathered about the other teams.”