A virtual Jackie Robinson Day
15/04/2020 1 Minute Read

A virtual Jackie Robinson Day

Former MLB commissioner Bud Selig officially stated Jackie Robinson Day would occur annually on April 15 in 2005. In 2020, all activities will be centering on social media and online platforms.

On 15 April 1947, Brooklyn Dodgers Jackie Robinson became the first African-American to compete in a Major League Baseball (MLB) game.

Jackie Robinson's career and life served as a great inspiration to many athletes who followed his steps.

Former MLB commissioner Bud Selig officially stated the Jackie Robinson Day would occur annually on April 15 in 2005. The league-wide donning of No. 42 jerseys began in 2009 and has been a tradition ever since.

In 2020, all Jackie Robinson Day activities will be virtual in nature, focusing on social media and online platforms to underscore the importance of staying safe and healthy at home, while engaging and educating fans about Robinson’s enduring legacy

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