06/02/2013 1 Minute Read

Didier Seminet confirmed as the President of the French Federation

Didier Seminet has been confirmed as the President of the French Federation of Baseball, Softball and Cricket.

Didier Seminet has been confirmed as the President of the French Federation of Baseball, Softball and Cricket.

The general elections took place in Porte de Versailles, near Paris.

Michel Dussart (former Commissioner of the Scorers) is the new Secretary General. Philippe Bouchard was confirmed as the Treasurer.

Other members of the Board are: Yves Blondel (Medical Commission), Vincent Buisson (Cricket), Fabien Carrette Legrand (Umpires Commissioner), François ColombierGrégory FagesSylviane Garcia (Women’s Sport), Franck Lecarpentier (Deputy for the Paris Area), David Meurant (Head of Sport Operations; he has appeared as a player in 220 games for the baseball national team), Jean Marie Meurant (Head of Technical Commission), Benjamin Milgrom (Softball Technical Commission), Mark Moodley (General Manager France Cricket), Tom Nagel (Sport for the Disabled), Paul Nguyen (Umpires Commissioner for the Paris Area), Thierry Raphet (Youth Baseball in the Paris Area), Robin RoyArmand Varnat (Communication).