14/09/2013 1 Minute Read

Guyana Baseball League Inc. appoints new Vice-President (Development)

In an innovative move for a governing body for sport Baseball Guyana has engaged the services of Mr. Mark Gafur of Worcester Academy, Worcester MA as Vice-President with responsibility for Development at the Guyana Baseball League Inc.

Press Release Guyana Baseball League

In an innovative move for a governing body for sport Baseball Guyana has engaged the services of  Mr. Mark Gafur of Worcester Academy, Worcester MA as Vice-President with responsibility for Development at the Guyana Baseball League Inc.

Mr. Gafur is the highest achieving baseball player of Guyanese decent to date, with playing/coaching stints in US Minor league baseball, a hierarchy of professional baseball leagues in the Americas that compete at levels below Major League Baseball and provide opportunities for player development and a way to prepare for Major League Baseball, Mark has coached with the Florida Marlins as a minor league instructor, Harvard University, Bowdoin College and other institutions, in addition to his Bachelor of Arts: Psychology & Education attained at Roger Williams University, Bristol RI.

Mark shared the following on joining the Guyana Baseball League team.

“It’s my pleasure to accept the position as Vice President of Development with the Guyana Baseball League.  I am excited to help make Guyana’s footprint in the world of baseball a lasting one.  45 years ago, the Dominican Republic was very new to the World of Baseball.  They have since produced numerous stars in the World of baseball.  Today the Guyana Baseball League stands at the threshold of the same opportunity”