WBSC to use Team Quality Balance in Softball World Cups
13/05/2024 2 Minute Read

WBSC to use Team Quality Balance in Softball World Cups

The rule has been used in WBSC Baseball World Cups for 11 years and will replace the runs-against rule to break ties involving three or more teams that the head-to-head cannot solve.

The WBSC Executive Board approved on Saturday a change in the Softball World Cup tie-breaking rules to introduce the Team Quality Balance (TQB) as a tie-breaker in case of ties involving three or more teams that the head-to-head cannot break. The system has been in use for 11 years in WBSC Baseball World Cups.

The Softball Division Board discussed the matter during an online meeting on April 25 and unanimously agreed to use the TQB. It noted that the change helps with some consistency with baseball since the softball tournament format changed in 2019 from a page playoff format to the same format as baseball's Super Round before using the current two-stage format. It also acknowledged that the previous run-against rule favoured more straightforward calculations but a change was necessary for the benefit of the Prevention of Manipulation of Competitions.

The Softball Division Board members agreed that the TQB is an efficient and fair tie-breaking rule since calculations include the game's offensive and defensive numbers. The TQB is calculated using the formula runs scored/inning played at bat, minus runs allowed/innings played on defence.

The standing of the teams after the round robin shall be according to the win-loss record of all the games played. All ties after Opening Round, Super Round and Finals shall be settled in the order of the following list. That is, if criteria (1) does not break the tie, then it is no longer considered the criteria capable of breaking the tie, and the next criteria (2) will be used. This logic continues through the list, in order, until the tie is broken:

  1. The team that won the game(s) between the teams tied shall be given the higher position.
  2. Team's Quality Balance (TQB) and win-loss records in games between the teams tied.
    Note: If three or more teams are tied and when criterion 1 does not break a tie, the team with the highest TQB will be placed in the first spot. The TQB is calculated as follows: (runs scored / innings played at bat) – (runs allowed / innings playing on defence). For a three-way tie and when the TQB is needed to break the tie, the TQB will place all three teams from highest to lowest placing.
  3. The team that has the best Earned Runs Team's Quality Balance (ER-TQB).
  4. Highest batting average in games between the teams tied.
  5. A coin flip.