Reports & Decisions

In case of an Anti-Doping Rule Violation, the person who has been sanctioned (e.g. athlete, athlete support personnel, team, NF), will be provisionally suspended from all baseball/softball activities including training and playing with a team pending the outcome of a hearing before a judicial committee.

If an athlete case involves a positive test, they have the right to have their B sample analysed. The athletes will be entitled to present their case before a judicial committee who will then decide on any applicable sanction and provide a written decision which shall be published in this page. The athletes have the right of appeal if they don’t agree with the decision in the first instance.

In the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) and in the WBSC Anti-Doping Rules the sanctions range from a warning to a life ban, depending on various matters, including: the type of the ADRV, the circumstances of the individual case (level or absence of fault or negligence), the prohibited substance detected (or, for certain substances, quantity found), the repetition of an ADRV (recidivism).

For more information, please consult art. 2 (violations) and 10 (sanctions) of the WADA Code.

It may be an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) to work with athlete support personnel who has been sanctioned by the WBSC, as well as any coaches, trainers, physicians or other athlete support personnel who are ineligible on account of an ADRV or who have been criminally convicted or professionally disciplined in relation to doping (see WADA’s Prohibited Association List).

Results Management & WBSC Anti-Doping Hearing Panel

To ensure that athletes are provided with a fair hearing within reasonable time by a fair, impartial and operationally indipendent panel, WBSC has established a new independent Anti-Doping Hearing Panel in accordance with the increased requirements set forth in the Code and the International Standard for Results Management (ISRM).

The WBSC Anti-Doping Hearing Panel is composed by the following members:

Lorenza Mel (ITA)

Lucienne Attard (MLT)
José Antonio Pascual Esteban (ESP)
Erika Riedl (SUI)


Please click here to access the list of individuals currently serving a provisional suspension or a period of ineligibility as a consequence of an ADRV under the WBSC Anti-Doping Rules.